FHIR in Action

原文链接:Regional Shared Medications with FHIR

Regional Shared Medications with FHIR 区域范围内共享的用药信息

**译者注:用药信息是每个医疗信息标准都迈步过去的坎儿,作者围绕着这个topic的第一篇。这里面主要是介绍一个区域性的居民的用药信息库 ,其他的医疗信息系统在对自己系统中患者的用药信息进行操作时,都事先与用药库进行比对同步. 当然围绕着用药库可以做一些面向患者,医生的门户,适合与移动医疗的场景.

FHIR Medication lists revisited



  • 现用药列表(FHIR List表示)
  • 现用药列表中引用的MedicationPrescription资源
  • MedicationDispense资源


  • 存储药房的药物配送记录 药房每次配药的时候,就生成一个MedicationDispense资源并将数据保存到用药库
  • 检索一段时间内某个患者的配药数据.主要是在医师reconciling the patients’ medication list的情况下使用
  • 获取患者现用药列表.任何人在患者的诊疗过程中包括患者和护理人员,比如康复中心,全科诊所以及急诊室
  • 获取患者现用药列表的变更记录,和前一个版本的用药列表
  • 更新患者的现用药列表





Patient相关接口 仅提供一个已有的注册服务的接口,比如说区域平台或者社交平台的帐号 tx sina之类的 Find Patient (eg GET /Patient?name=eve) Get Patient by identifier (eg GET /Patient?identifier=PRP1660)

Practitioner相关接口 与patient类似. Find Practitioner (eg GET /Practitioner?name=smith) Get Practitioner by identifier (eg GET /Practitioner?identifier=PRP1660)

MedicationDispense相关接口 从药房获取到数据,然后客户端可以和对这个列表是否正确,也就是reconciling列表的过程,列表中是否包含了患者已经拿到的药 假设药房在提交数据前先查询患者ID,然后将该MedicationDispense数据发送到用药库.因此,需要以下两个接口 Submit a dispense resource (POST /MedicationDispense) Get dispense records in the past (say) month (GET / MedicationDispense?patient={patientID}&whenHandedOver < {1 month ago} 另外,MedicationDispense 和 MedicationPrescription 资源都会调用Medication 资源,其中包含了具体的药品信息, medication资源有一个字段为code,可以使用某种药典来表示具体的药物. For example in New Zealand we have the ULM (Universal List of Medications) – a terminology based on SNOMED – thus the code 44362701000116107 refers to a 100mg tablet of aspirin

假设客户端根据这个字典来进行查询检索,我们需要code和code system.出于这样的考虑,我们在MedicationDispense 和 MedicationPrescription 资源直接包含Medication资源,而不是间接的引用它.

MedicationPrescription相关接口 MedicationPrescription主要用来记录患者服用的每种药物的详细情况,比方说药物名称,剂量,原因等.在另一篇文章里我们讨论了使用 "transaction"来批量更新药品信息,也就是说我们只需要一个根据资源标识来检索资源数据的接口 Get a single MedicationPrescription (GET /MedicationPrescription/{ID})


Get a patients list of medications (GET /Patient/{patientID}/List?code=10160-0)
Update a patients list of medications. This will be a transaction update as described earlier.
GET  /List/{listID}/_history
GET  /List/{listID}/_history/{versionID}

SecurityEvent相关接口 以下情况自动生成审计事件资源

  • 当要获取患者的用药列表
  • 当要更新患者的用药列表

    Get a bundle of SecurityEvent resources for a patient over a given time period (GET /SecurityEvent?patientId={patientID}&date > {startDate} & date < {endDate}



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <Conformance xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
     <status value="generated"/>
     <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
       <p>This conformance statement supports the Shared Medication repository, and specifies the following endpoints</p>
       <p>Person: Read and Search on name and identifier</p>
       <p>Practitioner: Read and Search on name and identifier</p>
       <p>MedicationDispense. Create, and search on patient,whenHandedOver</p>
       <p>MedicationPrescription. Read. </p>
       <p>List. Create and search on code,patient. Version read.</p>
       <p>SecurityEvent. Search on patient,date</p>
       <p>Transaction interfaces to update the Medication List</p>

   <identifier value="68D043B5-9ECF-4559-A57A-396E0D452311"/>
   <version value=".1"/>
   <name value="My List Of Medicines (MLOM) Conformance Statement"/>
   <publisher value="Elbonian MOH"/>
     <system value="email"/>
     <value value="[email protected]"/>
   <description value="The FHIR endpoints required to support a regional Medication repository - My List Of Medicines"/>
   <date value="2012-10-14"/>
     <name value="MLOM"/>
     <version value="0.34.76"/>
   <fhirVersion value="0.12"/>
   <acceptUnknown value="false"/> <!--   this system does not accepts unknown content in the resources   -->

   <!--   this system can do either xml or json. (Listing both implies full support for either, with interconversion)   -->
   <format value="xml"/>
   <format value="json"/>
   <!-- We only support REST interfaces at this time. This includes transaction to the server root to update the List-->
     <mode value="server"/>

     <!-- SecurityEvent record -->
       <type value="SecurityEvent"/>
         <code value="read"/>
         <name value="patient"/>
         <type value="reference"/>
         <documentation value="Lookup by patient."/>
         <name value="date"/>
         <type value="date"/>
         <documentation value="Lookup by date the event occurred."/>

     <!-- MedicationDispense record -->
       <type value="MedicationDispense"/>
         <code value="create"/>
         <code value="read"/>
         <name value="patient"/>
         <type value="reference"/>
         <documentation value="Lookup by patient."/>
         <name value="whenHandedOver"/>
         <type value="date"/>
         <documentation value="Lookup by date the medication was given to the patient."/>

     <!-- MedicationPrescription resource. The prescription records are all created through the 'transaction' process so read-only -->
       <type value="MedicationPrescription"/>
         <code value="read"/>

     <!-- List resource. Used to support the List of Medications. -->
       <type value="List"/>
         <code value="create"/>
         <code value="read"/>
         <code value="vread"/>
         <name value="patient"/>
         <type value="reference"/>
         <documentation value="Lookup by patient."/>
         <name value="code"/>
         <type value="token"/>
         <documentation value="Lookup by code - this will be for the MLOM"/>

       <!-- The Practitioner resource endpoint -->
         <type value="Practitioner"/>
           <code value="read"/>
           <name value="name"/>
           <type value="string"/>
           <documentation value="Lookup by practitioner name. All parts of the name are searched."/>
           <name value="identifier"/>
           <type value="token"/>
           <documentation value="Lookup by identifier. Both active and inactive practitioners will be returned."/>

     <!-- The Patient resource endpoint -->
       <type value="Patient"/>
         <code value="read"/>
         <name value="name"/>
         <type value="string"/>
         <documentation value="Lookup by patient name. Only active patients will be returned. All parts of the name are searched."/>
         <name value="identifier"/>
         <type value="token"/>
         <documentation value="Lookup by identifier. Both active and inactive patients will be returned."/>
         <name value="birthDate"/>
         <type value="date"/>
         <documentation value="Lookup by patient birts date. Supports the :before and :after modifiers to allow for age ranges"/>